Is that a bear skin rug? And come and get me eyes? AND skin? Good Lord. I might be hyperventilating. I might, in fact, be dead from his hotness. Is that possible?
If you aren't 18 or older, look elsewhere. We swear a lot and have a tendency to be smutty. You've been warned.
Our Button Made By the totally rocking Betti.Music.Twilight.
Clicky if you likey
Who We Are:
Just a group of happily married girls, who started off with an innocent date with Twilight and are now partaking in a full blown affair with the whole saga. And the movie. And various websites. We're remaining anonymous for our husband's sakes.
Thank you for sharing. Can we get a bigger picture of Rob on a rug waiting for me? I'll be there as soon as I can Dear Rob.