Monday, September 21, 2009

We Got Them Bitches!

That's right. QP and SW are the proud owners of...TWO TICKETS to the 12:01am showing of New Moon!!! We sucked it up and decided to take on the scores of teenagers and see the first showing, cause we just can't bare the thought of people in this fucking city seeing it before us. *Shudder* At this point all we need is a babysitter, and we fully plan on leaving the children with any adult that is not a pedophile/Team Jacob. We're not all that picky when it comes to this movie.


  1. You have much bigger balls than I.

  2. I want to get my ticket too, but I don't think I can face the tweenies by myself! I need to move closer to my Twidiculous friends!!! :( Now, who can I bring that will show the appropriate level of enthusiasm for such an event???

  3. @ Latchkey: I am a bit scared. But it's nothing that a little alcohol before hand can't fix.

    @SP: You need to fly here and watch it with me. Mr. Swan is not going to be nearly excited enough for you.



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